Invisalign Aligners Scottsdale, AZ

We Provide Invisalign Aligners in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona

Have you heard about the modern alternative to metal or ceramic braces? It’s called Invisalign, and it can make straightening your teeth and beautifying your smile a lot easier and faster than it used to be with braces.

Invisalign clear plastic aligners are nearly invisible when you wear them. They are comfortable to wear. They pose no dangers of broken archwires or brackets. You can remove them when you need to and put them back in again with no tools needed. And they usually deliver great results in less time than braces, at about the same cost.

Are Invisalign clear aligners right for you?

There are a few complex situations when traditional braces or other orthodontic solutions may be needed, but in most cases if you need help with a pleasing smile, chances are there is an Invisalign solution that is right for you.

Your Initial Invisalign Consultation is Free

At Ironwood Dental, we are certified Invisalign doctors who can offer you the full range of Invisalign products. We offer free Invisalign consultations so you can find out how—and how soon—Invisalign can work for you.

To learn more about Invisalign clear plastic aligners and how they work, read on below.

Why Invisalign?

There are many reasons why you might want to consider using Invisalign aligners instead of braces to improve your teeth alignment and your smile. Here are five good reasons to choose Invisalign:

Invisalign clear aligners are effective 

The technology behind Invisalign aligners has been proven to work in correcting many kinds of orthodontic problems, including but not limited to overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, crowded teeth, gapped teeth, and jaw alignment. 

Since 1997, more than 15 million patients, including ones right here in the Phoenix and Scottsdale areas, have used Invisalign to improve their smiles and their oral health.

Invisalign clear aligners are safe

Because they do not rely on archwires like braces do, and are not brittle like ceramic braces can be, Invisalign aligners avoid the possible problems that can happen when archwires or ceramic brackets break. 

No painfully getting stuck by sharp, pointed wires in the gums or inner cheeks. No mouth sores. No bleeding. No accidentally inhaling part of a broken ceramic bracket. No need to schedule an emergency visit to fix a broken archwire or a broken ceramic bracket.

Invisalign clear aligners are convenient and easy to use 

The beauty of Invisalign aligners is that unlike braces you can remove them whenever you need to. 

This eliminates one of the most common drawbacks of braces, food particles getting stuck in among the brackets, wires, and elastic bands. 

It makes brushing your teeth easier and improves the results you get from brushing. 

Plus, foods that we might otherwise discourage you from eating while wearing braces, like corn on the cob, or foods that are hard, crunchy, chewy or sticky, you can eat freely while your Invisalign aligner is out. 

Finally, cleaning your Invisalign aligner is easy to do when it is removed, something you cannot do with braces.

Invisalign clear aligners are affordable

Invisalign aligners are cost-competitive with braces. 

You can pay for them in whole or in part by a variety of ways: through your health or dental insurance, or through your Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account if you have one, or out of pocket through a monthly payment plan with no money down. We can also help you to arrange for a monthly payment plan if you do not have insurance or it will not pay the whole cost of Invisalign smile treatment.

Invisalign clear aligners are practically invisible

Although ceramic braces are considerably less visible than stainless steel ones, they are still hard to conceal when you are smiling, even with white or tooth-colored archwires. 

Invisalign aligner SmartTrack plastic is nearly transparent and uses no archwires or brackets. 

Even if you need to use our SmartForce attachments underneath your aligner, those attachments are virtually invisible, too. 

Why choose Invisalign?

How Does Invisalign Work?

Your Invisalign treatment begins with an initial free consultation appointment at our office in Phoenix. 

During this consultation, we will make a thorough scan of your mouth and teeth using the iTero Element® scanner. 

This scanner takes 6,000 images every second to create a comprehensive map of your mouth and jaws. 

It is superior to the old method of taking physical impressions of your mouth using goopy vinyl polysiloxane material that can be uncomfortable, messy, and lead to gagging. 

iTero Element results are faster, more comfortable, more accurate, and require fewer redos than physical impressions.

Next, we use Invisalign’s ClinCheck® software to turn the electronic data from your scan into a three-dimensional model of your mouth and jaws. 

Based on this highly detailed model, we will prepare a customized treatment plan for you that will take you all the way before and after Invisalign, from your first Invisalign aligner all the way to the end result: your brand-new, beautiful smile. 

You will use multiple Invisalign aligners during this journey, each for a few weeks as your teeth gradually shift to their new positions. Each aligner you wear for about 20 to 22 hours a day, removing them when you eat, brush, floss, and when you clean them.

During your course of Invisalign treatment we will have you come back to our offices to check on your progress, give you your next set of trays, to make sure that your aligners fit perfectly, and to answer any questions you may have.

Compare Invisalign to Metal and Ceramic Braces

When it comes to wearing Invisalign aligners versus braces, you have many things to think about. We have put together below a table to give you a clear sense of what the differences are between Invisalign and traditional braces.


Metal Braces

Ceramic Braces

Invisalign Aligners


Stainless steel.

Aluminum oxide.

Patented SmartTrack plastic.


High: braces do not match tooth color at all.

Medium: Ceramic materials are clear or can be colored to match tooth coloring, but still use archwires that can be visible.

Low: Clear plastic with no archwires.


High for brackets; archwires are also strong, but more likely to break than brackets and to require emergency orthodontist attention to fix.

Medium: Although ceramic brace brackets are strong, they are more brittle than stainless steel and more prone to breakage. Same risk as stainless steel for archwire breakage.

High: Durable SmartTrack plastic is not subject to breakage. Invisalign aligners are also meant for limited-duration use, usually not more than two weeks per aligner.

Allergenic Properties

Medium: Nickel used in metal braces can cause contact dermatitis allergic reactions in some cases.



Orthodontic Uses

Multiple: Used for many complex dental treatments.

Same as stainless steel.

Can be used for many orthodontic purposes. Mostly used for tooth spacing problems.

Susceptibility to Staining

Low risk.

Medium risk: Ceramics may be more likely to show stains from beverages like coffee, colas, and red wines.

Low risk: Invisalign aligners are meant to be removed before eating or drinking, but can be stained by colored beverages if left in while drinking.

Tooth Enamel Demineralization Risk

Low risk.

Low risk, but possibly more likely than stainless steel.

Low risk as long as teeth are clean before inserting the Invisalign aligner.

Ease of Removal

Cannot be removed by the patient.

Moderate difficulty in orthodontist removing cemented-in brackets.

Cannot be removed by the patient.

Ceramics require more force than stainless steel for your orthodontist to remove, and are more brittle than stainless steel. This makes ceramic brackets more likely to break during removal, with possible risk of inhaling or swallowing broken pieces.

Easy to remove and replace. Invisalign aligners are purpose-made to be removed and reinserted by the wearer with no assistance.

Hygiene and Ease of Cleaning

Moderate. Food particles can become trapped in the braces, and plaque buildup can occur around the brackets. Flossing can be difficult and incomplete because of interference from brackets and archwires.

Same as stainless steel.

Very easy to brush and floss teeth when the Invisalign aligner is removed. The wearer can also clean the aligner before placing it back in the mouth.

Wearers should brush teeth after eating before re-inserting aligners to avoid risk of tooth staining and tooth decay.

Risk of Injury

Low, but archwire breakage can lead to mouth injury from cuts and sores caused by broken wire ends, including possible infection of wounds.

Same as stainless steel, except that ceramic brackets are more susceptible to breakage that can lead to discomfort or minor injury.

None. No archwires or brackets that can break.


Costs usually a few thousand dollars.

More expensive than stainless steel. Usually several thousand dollars.

Comparable to stainless steel or ceramic braces.

Food restrictions

Some foods that are hard, crunchy, sticky, or chewy can lead to brackets losing adhesion to teeth or to archwire breakage.

Examples: corn on the cob, taffy, gum.

Same as stainless steel.

No food restrictions when the Invisalign aligner is removed while eating or drinking.

Time needed to produce results

One to three years, depending on factors like the complexity of the orthodontic treatment needed.

Same as stainless steel.

Invisalign aligners can deliver results in a year or less, but 12 to 18 months is common.

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign Clear Aligners

Can Invisalign aligner treatments help my child’s smile?

Yes. Invisalign aligners are safe and effective for orthodontic patients of all ages. 

Children as young as six years old can benefit from the gentle way that Invisalign devices—including SmartForce attachments if needed—can help to properly align still-growing teeth and jaws. 

For example, Invisalign Precision Wings are excellent at correcting lower jaw alignment problems in teenagers and “tween-age” children, correcting bad bites, and improving chin appearance, too.

Is Invisalign safe to use?

All Invisalign aligner and retainer materials are made of medical-grade, high molecular weight, thermoplastic polymers that have a long history of FDA approvals for long-term use inside the human body.

Why can’t I buy Invisalign trays off-the-shelf?

Although they are seemingly simple pieces of plastic when you look at them, Invisalign aligners are actually Class II Medical Devices that are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 

Thus, we can only make Invisalign clear plastic aligners available by prescription through our Scottsdale office.

Do I need an orthodontist to prescribe Invisalign in Phoenix?

No. Invisalign aligners were initially created for dentists to prescribe to their patients. 

If you go to the Invisalign website, for example, they refer to your “Invisalign doctor”—a term which includes Invisalign dentists as well as Invisalign orthodontists. 

Given their usefulness as orthodontic devices, though, it is common today for patients to go through their orthodontists for Invisalign treatment.

What are Invisalign SmartForce attachments?

In some cases, we will attach small, nearly invisible devices to a patient’s teeth as part of the Invisalign treatment. 

These “SmartForce” attachments serve to provide the removable aligner with extra “grip,” allowing for more targeted treatments and more complex tooth movements. 

Not every Invisalign patient will need Invisalign attachments.

Are there any treatment options involving Invisalign braces?

No. Invisalign does not offer braces, we provide aligner treatment by prescription.

How much is Invisalign in Phoenix?

The cost of Invisalign treatment is something you will arrange with your treating dentist or orthodontist at our office. 

Your teeth or jaw straightening needs are unique to you, and your Invisalign treatment plan is customized to those specific needs. 

Generally speaking, the overall costs of Invisalign are comparable to those for braces.

Will my dental or health insurance pay for all or part of Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign aligners are recognized orthodontic treatment devices for insurance purposes, so if you have health or dental insurance then it may pay for at least part of your Invisalign treatments cost. Check with your insurer to learn the details of coverage.

Also, if you do not have insurance, we can help with affordable Invisalign treatment financing options and monthly payment plans. Ask us for details.

How many hours per day should I or my child wear Invisalign aligners?

Although Invisalign aligners are removable for activities like eating, brushing and flossing, and cleaning the aligner, for best results you should be wearing your aligners about 20 to 22 hours daily. 

For parents who want to make sure that their children are wearing the aligners consistently, Invisalign Teen aligners have a blue dot on them that fades away when the aligner is being worn for the recommended time period. 

If the blue dot remains when it is time to switch to the next aligner in the treatment process, then you and we will know that your child needs support and encouragement to wear it more often.

How long does Invisalign take?

Invisalign aligners are highly effective, and you should begin noticing some progress in your journey to having straight teeth and a bright smile in as little as a few weeks. 

Most treatment plans take 12 months to 18 months to complete. 

Milder orthodontic treatments with Invisalign can be completed in as little as six months, but the Invisalign takes to straighten your teeth will depend on the unique requirements of your treatment plan.

Does Invisalign offer more than aligners?

Yes. Including Invisalign aligners, Invisalign offers Vivera® Retainers, aligner cases in multiple colors, aligner cleaning crystals, flossing kits, teeth whitening supplies, and PULTOOL® aligner removal devices to let you take out your Invisalign aligner without having to use your fingers. 

Invisalign also offers mints in assorted flavors that are compatible for use with your aligners: they are wheat-free and GMO-free, and contain no artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors to harm your teeth or stain your aligner.

Where can I find an Invisalign dentist or Invisalign orthodontist near me in the Phoenix and Scottsdale areas?

At Ironwood Pediatric Dentistry, our orthodontists are authorized Invisalign dentists who are trained how to use Invisalign diagnostic equipment like the iTero Element scanner and ClinCheck software to create a customized tooth alignment and smile recovery plan just for you.

Your first consultation with us is free. No risk, no obligation. There is no reason why you cannot find out how much Invisalign aligner treatment can help you to have all the health-improving and confidence-building benefits that come with straight teeth and a healthy, inviting smile, for yourself or your child.

Call us today at (480) 422-4544 or reach out to us online to set up your free initial consultation – or just to ask us any questions you still have about how Invisalign aligners can benefit you. 

We will be happy to help you to make the best decision for your needs or your child’s. The sooner you get started, the sooner your journey to a better smile and a better you can get underway.